The ONLY Year Long Membership That Empowers Christian Women to Win Against Spiritual Warfare & Walk Victoriously in Purpose as Kingdom Entrepreneurs & Ministry Leaders!!

You Already Know That God Has a Call on Your Life But...

  • You're feeling blocked or hindered in an specific area of your life

  • You sense a spiritual battle but you're not sure how to fight back

  • You feel isolated & unsupported as you attempt to pursue your purpose

  • You're overwhelmed by obstacles, setbacks & prolonged warfare that seem unexplainable & unending

  • You're struggling with the spirits of self-doubt, fear & confusion around your calling

  • You struggle with hearing God's voice for clarity & direction

Sis, You're a Threat to the Enemy & He's Waging War Against You!!

Romans 8:37 "Yet in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us".

The victory is already yours! You just need a strong community of like-minded women who understand your struggles, share your faith & will have your back when the enemy wages war. God has already equipped you to conquer every attack that comes against you!

Just Think How Much Better Life Would Be If You Were Able To...

  • Execute every goal you set by using practical & spiritual strategies for long lasting success in all areas of your life.

  • Discern & defeat the invisible spirits that has been hindering your growth & interfering with your destiny

  • Build a strong prayer life with targeted, powerful prayers that dismantle spiritual strongholds and bring about divine breakthroughs in you & your family's life.

  • Wake up each morning knowing what you're supposed to do & being able to overcome any opposition that comes against God's purpose

  • Prove to yourself, your children & those watching how it's possible to succeed as a Christian woman who does things God's way.

  • Incorporate simple, yet effective habits that made massive change in your life & those you are called to serve.

  • Develop spiritual disciplines that brought forth healing, deliverance, prosperity & a closer relationship with God.

You Will Experience All of This & More When You Join Our Community!

What is the Called to Conquer Community?

A year long membership designed specifically for Christian women who are ready to identify and conquer the spiritual warfare hindering their success in life. Our community offers a unique blend of coaching, spiritual guidance, practical strategies, and unwavering support to ensure you walk in victory. Inside of the community you will have access to:

Live Monthly Trainings:

Do you find yourself buying courses & programs that seems to work for everyone else but you? Do you lack the time or the attention span to complete long training modules filled with unnecessary & overwhelming info?

Our live monthly trainings include expert-led sessions on spiritual warfare, personal & spiritual growth in a way that you can consume & retain. Our to the point trainings will benefit your business, ministry & personal aspirations without all the extras. We will cover topics that women face that's often overlooked & ignored. In this community, your needs will be met from a very holistic approach. Each training will be recorded & available for you to watch on your time & at your pace.

Monthly Goal Setting & Accountability Calls:

Do you struggle with consistently starting a project but not finishing it? Does fear, sabotage or procrastination get in the way of doing what you know God has called you to do?

Sometimes you already know what to do, but actually doing it is the issue. In our community, we want to simplify the goal setting process. Sometimes the goals we set aren't really goals & we set ourselves up for disappointment. Other times a lack of accountability & motivation is the issue . Our monthly interactive sessions provides you with simple frameworks to set attainable goals while receiving the support & encouragement you need to accomplish your goals.

Prayer, Intercession & Community Bible Studies:

Is finding time to study the Bible, pray & fast a challenge for you? Do you have a desire to grow in your spiritual disciplines but find yourself constantly falling short?

If you have felt the guilt & conviction of slacking in your spiritual life then our biweekly Bible studies and monthly community fast & prayer calls is exactly what you need. Just as food & exercise is necessary for our physical bodies, prayer, fasting & studying the word is necessary for your spiritual body. This community has been strategically designed to help you to grow in your relationship with God, build a strong & effective prayer life, while growing in your understanding & implementation of the Word to your life

Accountability & Prayer Partnering:

Are you the strong one in your group? Does every one come to you for prayer & encouragement when in fact you need it for yourself?

Ecclesiastes 4:9 says that "Two are better than one because they have a good return for their labor"

We understand the necessity for women to have a space where they can be vulnerable and safe. Within our large community we also encourage & create opportunities for women to connect within a smaller setting to pray & support each other on a consistent basis. We believe that every woman deserves a God sent friend who can stand in the gap & cover her when life is up & down.

Weekly Challenges:

Are there times when you are so busy that you forget about yourself? Are you so focused on meeting the needs of others that you push things like your self care & personal growth to the back burner?

As a natural nurturer, it's easy to put yourself at the end of the priority list. However, the Lord commands us to love our neighbor as we love ourselves. The problem is that women are often loving others well but not themselves. Our weekly challenges (although not required), are designed to challenge you to engage in acts of self care, personal & spiritual growth. Many women miss how a confident & positive identity of self impacts how they show up in every other area of life. These fun, yet effective challenges will increase your self esteem & feelings of worthiness!

Exclusive Online Community:

Access to a private, members-only platform for ongoing support and interaction. Our private platform enables members to focus on the community without being distracted by the traditional social media platforms. You are able to engage & disengage as much as you like. Nothing is mandatory, you're able to partake in all or parts of the community that serves you where you are.

Resource Library:

As a woman called to do many things for the kingdom, we believe that you should commit to being a lifelong learner. Our resource library will include ongoing resources that will benefit your spiritual, emotional and physical growth as well as for your business & ministry. This includes books, podcasts, videos, learning material etc. We aim to share grants, community resources & other national resources available to women.

Automatic Affiliate Program:

Our goal is not only to empower women spiritually & mentally but financially as well. It is our vision to reach thousands of women through this community & you can help by sharing this community with others. Every members who takes advantage of the pay in full special will become automatic affiliates & receive 50% payouts for every referral who joins.

PLUS Monthly Prizes, Discounted Products & Services & More!

What is the cost of the membership?

The Called to Conquer Community is $40 a month or $250 for the year. Members who take advantage of the pay in full special will become automatic affiliates for the program and will receive a 50% commission pay for every person they refer.

How is the content delivered?

All trainings, live calls, and resources are delivered through our private app & online platform & zoom, accessible anytime, anywhere.

What if I can’t attend the live calls?

All live calls are recorded and available for replay, so you won’t miss out on any valuable content. Within the community are different channels where the replays will be posted, making it easy to search & find.

When will the calls take place?

All calls will take place in Eastern Standard Time. The specific days & times of trainings, prayer calls, goal setting will vary to accommodate participants in different time zones.

Is there a refund policy?

We will provide a refund within 7 days of joining if the community is not satisfactory for you. Due to access of resources given once joining, we will be unable to offer any refunds after a 7 day period with no exceptions

How does the affiliate program work?

Each member who pays in full will be assigned and emailed a unique affiliate link after 30 days of enrollment. Each member will receive a 50% commission of the payment option chosen for every referral who joins the membership. In order to be eligible for the affiliate program, members must be active in the membership & have paid for their membership in full.

How long is the membership?

The price you pay gives you access to this community for an entire year!! That's less than Starbucks and lunch every week!

All Rights Reserved| She Pursues Purpose